About Me

I am a daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, learner, and follower of Jesus Christ. I love life. I love that God allows me to wake up in the morning ready to face the adventure of the day.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Leaders Go First

Growing up I never considered myself to be a leader. In my head when I thought of a leader I thought of someone who was outgoing, extroverted, and someone who had no fear of public speaking. However, according to Dictionary.com, a leader, "is a person who rules, guides, or inspires others". Well I'm not a ruler, both the piece of wood for making measurements or the one that controls a nation. However, I do guide people. And I'd like to think that I inspire people.

But more recently I'm learning that besides the obvious traits of a leader that a leader is someone who goes first even when its hard.

One of the values at Flatirons is authentic community. We strive to create a place where people come alongside one another and say, "Me too." I'm learning that one of the only ways to create a truly authentic community to is be the leader that goes first and puts the tough crap of their life out there for others to say, "Me too." 

As an intern in a mega church it's often difficult to think that you're a leader. The culture that we live in gives the stereotype that comes with an intern as "I'm just an intern. Can I get you coffee?"I know that this is far from the truth at Flatirons but because of the usual connotation that comes with the title intern you don't think of a leader. 

Recently, as interns, we finished reading Henri Nouwen's book, In the Name of Jesus: A Christian Reflection on Leadership. This was the second time reading it for me but this time I got to read it from a new perspective. I got to read in through the lense of a leader in the church. You see as we read through it the view of myself as a leader shifted. There are many ways in which I am a leader. I'm a leader of leaders in the 1st-2nd grade room. Meaning that if they need something they look to me for help. I'm a leader to the 1st-2nd graders that come in every weekend. Now, I try to let the volunteer leaders do as much of the leading as possible but when the timing is right and the leaders are few I jump in and lead a small group. 

Going through college one thing that people always told me about leading was that I led by example. I never asked what they meant but I seemed to agree for the most part but I never put leading by example as a trait of leadership until this past weekend. 

Last weekend I got to teach in the 3rd-5th grade room at West Campus. The story was from John 13:1-20. The story of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. While studying the Scripture for myself before memorizing the script it hit that Jesus led by example. Now I'm pretty sure that I knew this before but this particular moment it really sunk in deep. Jesus went first in washing the disciples feet. After reading through the script I learned that Jesus gave us this example as a tangible way to serve others. He went first. Jesus was a leader. Leaders go first. 

Now, how the heck do I take this leaders go first mentality of washing disciples feet and make it relevant for me today? Well all I had to do when I first asked myself this question was look up and see my Taylor towel staring me in the face. All I had to say was of course! How did I not think of the Taylor towel before?! The Taylor towel is given to each student who enters and graduates from TU. At the start of each school year a new batch a freshman receive a towel that they are supposed to use. The towel reads, "One another Philippians 2:4" Philippians 2:4 says, "not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interests of the other." For the student this meant to live each day with others on the forefront. Then there was another Taylor towel that is given to students are graduation. This towel is more of a symbolic towel to put on display as a reminder that we are to be servant leaders just as Jesus did. This second towel is symbolic of being the good neighbor. Being someone who would selflessly serve their neighbor with no complaints. If you want to hear more about the Taylor towel I recommend watching this youtube video that JR Briggs, a Taylor grad and speaker at many Taylor chapels, made. 

So there you have it. Leaders go first. Me too. Taylor Towel. Wash feet. Serve others. Authentic community.