About Me

I am a daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, learner, and follower of Jesus Christ. I love life. I love that God allows me to wake up in the morning ready to face the adventure of the day.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Eight Christmas Ornaments of Thanksgiving

Typically I'm not one for putting Christmas decorations up until after Thanksgiving. However, this year has been a little different. This year my family is traveling for Thanksgiving and because we will be out of town on our usual Black-Friday-stay-in-the-house-and-put-up-Christmas-decorations day, we decided that today would be a good day.
Now another summary before I get to the point. Every year since I can remember my mom, or should I say Santa, left my brother and I a Christmas ornament in our stocking. Usually the ornament had to do with something significant that had happened during the year. For example, my ornament for 2002 is of a girl playing the clarinet. I started, and if we're being honest, stopped playing the clarinet in the year 2002.
Now that you know that background story let's move on to the point. Today after putting the Christmas tree up in the family room with mom I went down to my apartment to put my own little three foot Christmas tree up. Oh. One thing I forgot to say about the ornaments. My mom ended up giving my brother and I all of our ornaments for Christmas during our first year that we "moved out of the house". Jokes on her because I moved back in a year later... anyways, all of the ornaments that I have collected are now on my own Christmas tree. No more of the macaroni noodle ornaments that I made in first grade to be seen.
Back to the point again. Today I was putting my ornaments on the tree and I realized something. Each ornament holds a story. Because of my mom choosing to get ornaments for significant happenings each ornament brings about something that is special to me. Memories. Nostalgic moments. And finally, things that I'm thankful for. Hence the title, Eight Christmas Ornaments of Thanksgiving.
I'm going to take an opportunity right now and share a few ornaments with you and why I'm thankful for them. Starting with the oldest to the most recent ornament.
1. The first ornament is a softball. I spent 12 years of my life playing the wonderful game. This sport made me a fan of baseball. (I actually know what's happening unlike other sports) Softball taught me how to be a team player. We win together. We lose together. When one player hits a homer we all celebrate. When one player has a rough day we all encourage. I'm thankful for the 12 years I spent on the diamond. It allowed me to learn to work with others. Turns out. Introverts have to do that for the rest of their lives whether we like it or not.
2. This star ornament I received as a thank you for serving in Children's Ministry at Glen Ellyn Bible Church in 2005. I know it's not a stocking ornament. That doesn't mean I can't be thankful for it. Back in 2005 I would have survived my first year of middle school and started in on my second. This year would also be the year that I first served regularly, year round, in Children's Ministry. Something that I would continue to do, for the next, oh let's see, 11 years and counting... Serving in Children's Ministry has taught me numerous things. But most importantly, you're never too young to understand that Jesus loves you. 

 3. This ornament I received my sophomore year of high school, 2008. It marks my first trip across an ocean without my family. This trip taught me all sorts of things. From how to pack light to how to not get pick pocketed to how to get through customs by myself to how to not lose my passport.
4. The next two pictures go hand in hand. The first is Taylor University followed by 3CO, which stands for Third Center Olson, the dorm and wing I lived at during my four years at Taylor. I'm not sure I can sum up four years into a short paragraph but I'll do my best. 3CO is a major contributor to bringing me out of my shell. I got to do life alongside some wonderful sisters who challenged me, supported me, listened to me, laughed with me, and cried with me. But I can't forget the academic side of my time at Taylor. Christian Educational Ministries and the professors and friendships that came with it helped form and shape me in my professional field. Because of the encouragement of a professor I would have not stepped foot in Colorado a few months after graduation but that's a different ornament for later down the road.
5. If you look closely at this cowboy hat you will notice it has VCBC written on the brim of the hat. This stands for Village Creek Bible Camp. 2011. This marks my first W-2 job. The theme that summer was Frontier. This summer I would be stretched in ways I never thought possible. As a cabin counselor Sunday afternoons would become my least favorite part of the week as I introduced myself to another group of campers. Remember I'm an introvert. Meeting one new person is cool. Meeting eight new people who would live with me for the next week. Well it would grow on me. Because Saturday mornings were so hard to say goodbye to campers when you know that camp is a place where they feel loved and known. I'm thankful for camp and the many summers that I continued to work there beyond 2011.
6. This next ornament would not hold near as much significance now if it weren't for current life situations. This is one of two ornaments that my mom gave me that were made in Peru. I received these in 2013 after I had been on my month long missions trip to the country that I will be moving to in about 2 months. Looking at these ornaments I'm thankful for God's plan. It is so much better than I could have ever imagined and although scary and confusing at times He always remains faithful in his leading.
7. This candy cane was painted and given to me by Chloe in 2013. This would be the last year that I would serve at Basics. Chloe was one of the girls that I had the privilege of having in my small group at Basics for four years. Although this was given by one of my girls I can't help but think of them all when I see it. It reminds me to pray for her and the other girls as they are now freshman in high school! Yikes. They were in 3rd grade when I started serving at Basics. Looking at this candy cane I'm thankful for the years I had to invest in these girls while at school. I'm thankful for the things they taught me. For example, I'm a very by the books person. I'm a rule follower. So when it came to small group Bible study time. We were going to hear their verses, sign off on Bible readings, do the study, then pray, then dismiss. In that order. Every. Wednesday. Night. What I learned as time went on was to be flexible. You don't HAVE to do the study every week. In fact you can play ninja and spend the whole time laughing. Because sometimes we all just need to laugh.
8. Last and certainly not least. Colorado. After graduating from college I would move to Colorado to intern at a very very very very large church. Flatirons Community Church. While very skeptical at first I would soon become a part of Flatirons culture. This year in Colorado was the hardest year to date for me. I'm sure I have a harder year ahead of me in Peru but at this point I haven't experienced it yet. I'm so incredibly thankful for the year in CO. I am thankful for the friends I made. Many of which are supporting me as I will serve in Peru. The biggest thing I'm thankful for right now is for the confidence and voice that I discovered. God revealed to me many things during the year. One of which was confidence in myself to do the things I hate the most to see Him show his power. For example, public speaking in any form. Growing up I never enjoyed speaking in front of any group. Period. In college I would get so nervous that I couldn't eat in fear of throwing up. Well that all changed during my year in CO. I would be challenged to face this fear head first. By the end of the year I would willingly volunteer to speak or teach in front of many different groups. From 1st and 2nd graders, to adult leader meetings, to sharing my story about Peru in front of the whole congregation at Glen Ellyn Bible Church. (Sorry. That one was long.)
So there you have it. Eight ornaments of thankfulness. During this season Thanksgiving and more importantly, Christmas, I want to remind you to be thankful. Christmas is such an easy time to become greedy for the material objects. Don't get me wrong. Presents are great. But I want to challenge you to look beyond the item you want most to find someones greatest need. Maybe instead of receiving that want you can meet a need. So. Take a moment. Pause. Reflect. Thank God for the ways he has provided for you. Big or as small as a Christmas ornament.

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