I am a daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, learner, and follower of Jesus Christ. I love life. I love that God allows me to wake up in the morning ready to face the adventure of the day.
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the
IF:Gathering. More specifically the IF:Wheaton, IF: Local, IF: Gathering.
Basically a live stream of the IF: Gathering that took place in Austin, TX with
local Wheaton women at a local church. During this weekend one of the songs
that we sang quite a few times wasSinking Deep by Hillsong. I sang
along the first time mindlessly singing the words not really thinking about
what I was singing. Let alone singing in praise to God.The secondtime we
sang the song I started to listen to the words. What exactly was I singing?
What was I singing praise about? While listening to the chorus I became deeply
convicted of something that I have been dealing with in my own life. Fear. The
chorus goes as follows: I'm wide awake, drawing close, stirred by grace And all my heart is yours All fear removed,I breathe you in, I lean into
Your love, oh, your love There are those words, "all fear removed." It didn't
read just a little fear or some fear. No. It read ALL fear removed. Here I
thought I was doing good in the fear category. I mean I'm moving to another
country within the year to do ministry. You'd think this wasn't an issue for
me. Yet I still find myself stopped, dead in my tracks, by those four letters.
FEAR. I couldn't rightfully sing the song anymore. At least not until I
confronted my big ugly fear head on. Low and behold during that very session of
the IF:Gathering we were going to confess our sin. Oh goodie! During the
confession, on the screen different sins would be flashed up. If we had
committed that sin we would light up our phone screens and shine the light into
the darkness. Yes. A very hi-tech confession but nonetheless a powerful visual
to watch. As sin after sin flashed up on to the screen I found myself waiting
for my moment to confess my living out of fear. Then up on the screen, as if
God had written that slide for me personally, it read, "If you've been
making decisions out of fear." I shone my phone into the darkness, shed
light on the sin in my life and confess that I am not perfect and that I need
God's help.
As the evening continued we sangSinking Deep again only this time
instead of the words "all fear removed" sticking out. It was the
latter part, "I lean into your love." I realize that fear is not the
easiest sin to defeat but if I lean into God's love. Defeating it will become
much easier. I'll be the first to admit that I still live out of fear. But
knowing that it is out in the open and in the light and that I have given it to
God and prayed for his help on the journey to defeat it will be easier. I say
easier because, simply put, it's not easy. But with God working in me and
through me it is definitely becoming easier. During the passing days since the
IF:Gathering I continue to pray that God would not let me make decisions out of
my fear and slowly I'm starting to see fruition.
If you've never heard the song before I'd go ahead and take a
listen. Down there↓