The second significant happening of the month was that I got to tag team teach in the first and second grade room at the Lafayette Campus. I remember walking off stage with a new passion to teach kids. The best thing about it was that I had ZERO jitters or nervousness when I walked on stage. Let me tell you. That is a major accomplishment for me. I have always had a fear of public speaking. I recall in middle school being a part of the drama team. Yes, that is what they called it. And yes, there was THAT kind of drama involved as well as the thespian kind. But back to the point. I was a super shy, super awkward middle schooler. You would have thought that speaking would have killed me then. I still don't understand why I was on the drama team but I was. I remember after one show a student with her locker next to mine came up to me and said, "You're not very good at that whole acting thing are you?" As a middle schooler this was crushing. And it stuck. For a very long time. Too long if you ask me. But words are sticky. And these words shaped how I viewed myself when speaking in front of large groups for years and years to follow. But let's fast forward to June.
June was filled with even more opportunities to teach. Which is awesome. In the words of my supervisor, "You killed it up there!" (insert high five here). This particular time I did not tag team. I took the whole lesson. Not only did I teach once on this particular weekend but I taught twice! Each time feeling much more confident and relaxed than the last. The cool thing about teaching is that when you lead a small group afterwards you get to see the lightbulbs flick on as the kids understand what was taught.
June also held yet another trip to the good ol Midwest for the wedding of my first college roommate of 3 years, Jenn. I had a great weekend getting to be a part of her special day. Visiting with college friends, laughing, driving in lots of rain, being responsible for pinning boutonnieres on everyone when you have never pinned a boutonniere ever before in your life, and catching the bouquet after it was first thrown straight into the ceiling. I like to say that it went up to Jesus first to be blessed and then came down to me.

This last month has also held an interview with TEAM. I met up with my missions coach, Stephanie, and her supervisor, Jerome, at a coffee shop in Littleton. I arrived and was looking around for them at the shop and saw them sitting at a table in the back. They stood up and greeted me and then they instructed me that they had reserved a room for us to meet in. We get to the room and it turns out to be a closet with a table and three chairs and a dinky lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Needless to say, it was the most unique setting for an interview that I have ever had.
I also had my last weekend at the West Campus. The team thanked me with balloons and getting donuts for all of our leaders in Summit. I have loved my time at the West Campus. Getting opportunities to teach, lead small groups, get to know kids and leaders has been a wonderful experience. But I have mostly loved the team that I have served with. Lara, Susan, Sarah, and Melissa have been such a wonderful team of ladies to do life with this past year. We even got a little R and R time in Breckenridge, which was much needed after the week I had with my car accident.
I also gave my final internship presentation this past week. It was a really cool experience to hear about everyone's different experiences and seeing everyone's personalities come out during their presentations. This year has definitely been a year of growth and transformation for me. I pray that I can continue to reflect on this past year and have even more things revealed to me about what I have learned.
So many of you have asked what is next for me now that the internship is coming to a close. Well August 9 I start up at Village Creek Bible Camp where I will serve for at least 6 weeks before settling in with my parents in Wheaton. Lord willing, I will hear in September if I am approved to go to the missionary orientation with TEAM in November to go to Peru. I also hope to find a part time job in the Wheaton area. So if you know of anyone who needs a nanny starting in October or has a flexible part time job opening let me know!
Prayer Requests:
-Finishing the internship strong
-Preparedness to serve at VCBC
-The final steps in the TEAM application process
-Car negotiations
-Next steps once my time at VCBC ends