Last night marked the first 'My Story' night for seniors. A Taylor Alum and favored speaker of TU students, JR Briggs, came and spoke to us about the adjustment to life after Taylor. This is definitely something that has been on my mind a lot lately. But JR said one thing that really resonated with me last night. He said, "It's not about what you are going to do but who you are becoming." Now as a senior in college the most frequently asked question is "What are you going to DO next year?" My response as of lately has been, "Well I'm starting to look for a year long internship in a church in children ministries to get more experience before I enter into a vocational setting." Which is true. I have had meetings with the wonderful Calling and Career Office at Taylor to start some networking with churches in the midwest region. Then I get smacked in the face last night with, "Who are you becoming?" My answer last night was I'm becoming a children's ministry pastor, director... insert your word of choice here... But I realized that it is more than that.
Later in the night JR mentioned that after graduation we need at least one person who will ask us, "What are you hearing from Jesus?" followed up with, "What are you going to do about it? on a regular basis. I've been blessed through my years at college to have a close friend from back home who asks me this question every time we are with each other. Now to tie these two different questions together. My hope after I graduate is that the things I am hearing from Jesus are things that are helping me to see who I am becoming. Then in seeing what I am becoming doing something about what I am hearing from Jesus.
Over the course of the last month I have really had to deal with the idea of presence. Presence is the theme for student development at TU this year. As a senior who is trying to prepare for my future, foster new relationships on the wing, and continue to grow old friendships with friends that live on the opposite side of campus I am realizing that the idea of presence is a lot more difficult than it seems. I'm looking forward to seeing how this idea of presence is grown and developed in my life this year. Both with presence of my friends and family and being in the presence of God.
On a completely different note. My brother and sister in law had their baby two weeks ago. Liam Philipp was born on September 12 at 8:55pm. He was 6 pounds and 6 ounces and 20 inches. I am so blessed to become a first time aunt. I look forward to seeing how God uses this new role in my life.
On a completely different note. My brother and sister in law had their baby two weeks ago. Liam Philipp was born on September 12 at 8:55pm. He was 6 pounds and 6 ounces and 20 inches. I am so blessed to become a first time aunt. I look forward to seeing how God uses this new role in my life.