The past week has been NUTS! I mean it. There are normally those weeks that come around every once and a while that just take everything out of you. This was one of those weeks. Or at least that's how my mind had thought the week would be.
This past week I have written not one, but two research papers. Neither of which were just a little walk in the park. Both were on some pretty deep biblical themes and topics. My first paper for my Gospels class was about a hard saying of Jesus. I chose Matthew 5:48, "You therefore must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect." This was no easy task, to take on writing about what the interpretation of this text could possibly be. Then there was my Biblical Theology paper. This one was on Jesus as the Good Shepherd focusing specifically on John 10:14-18. I'm not sure how many hours I racked up at the library this week or how many cups of coffee I consumed or how few hours I sleep I received. But I do know that this academic venture taught me more about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, than I had ever thought possible.
Quick moment of honesty, before this week I had only propped open my Bible to look at scripture passages read in my Bible classes. Back to my previous story.
Through the research and writing of these two papers I've learned more about the complete and perfect love that the Father has for me. I also learned about the Good Shepherd who is watching over me and knows me intimately more than I can even fathom. Through the research and writing and reflection of the scripture that HAD to happen in order for me to write I was deeply convicted of the lack of devotion to Christ and His Word that there has been in my life over the course of the semester. I've realized that I've lacked personal one on one time with my Heavenly Father.
Thus, I'm thankful for research papers. I'm thankful that the Lord placed these research papers into my semester to help me realize my need for His Word in my life. I've learned that the Lord is willing to do anything to reach and communicate with His sheep.
About Me
- Alison Koch
- I am a daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, learner, and follower of Jesus Christ. I love life. I love that God allows me to wake up in the morning ready to face the adventure of the day.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Doing vs. Becoming
I am a little over a month into my Senior year at Taylor. I can't believe that I'm a SENIOR! I know my mom will say the same. The past month as been a month of ups and downs. The feeling of excitement for a new school year. The feeling of anxiety because it is the last year. Thoughts of making the best of my last year at Taylor as well as thoughts of where I will be a year from now. Where will I be living? What will I be doing?
Last night marked the first 'My Story' night for seniors. A Taylor Alum and favored speaker of TU students, JR Briggs, came and spoke to us about the adjustment to life after Taylor. This is definitely something that has been on my mind a lot lately. But JR said one thing that really resonated with me last night. He said, "It's not about what you are going to do but who you are becoming." Now as a senior in college the most frequently asked question is "What are you going to DO next year?" My response as of lately has been, "Well I'm starting to look for a year long internship in a church in children ministries to get more experience before I enter into a vocational setting." Which is true. I have had meetings with the wonderful Calling and Career Office at Taylor to start some networking with churches in the midwest region. Then I get smacked in the face last night with, "Who are you becoming?" My answer last night was I'm becoming a children's ministry pastor, director... insert your word of choice here... But I realized that it is more than that.
Later in the night JR mentioned that after graduation we need at least one person who will ask us, "What are you hearing from Jesus?" followed up with, "What are you going to do about it? on a regular basis. I've been blessed through my years at college to have a close friend from back home who asks me this question every time we are with each other. Now to tie these two different questions together. My hope after I graduate is that the things I am hearing from Jesus are things that are helping me to see who I am becoming. Then in seeing what I am becoming doing something about what I am hearing from Jesus.
Over the course of the last month I have really had to deal with the idea of presence. Presence is the theme for student development at TU this year. As a senior who is trying to prepare for my future, foster new relationships on the wing, and continue to grow old friendships with friends that live on the opposite side of campus I am realizing that the idea of presence is a lot more difficult than it seems. I'm looking forward to seeing how this idea of presence is grown and developed in my life this year. Both with presence of my friends and family and being in the presence of God.
On a completely different note. My brother and sister in law had their baby two weeks ago. Liam Philipp was born on September 12 at 8:55pm. He was 6 pounds and 6 ounces and 20 inches. I am so blessed to become a first time aunt. I look forward to seeing how God uses this new role in my life.
On a completely different note. My brother and sister in law had their baby two weeks ago. Liam Philipp was born on September 12 at 8:55pm. He was 6 pounds and 6 ounces and 20 inches. I am so blessed to become a first time aunt. I look forward to seeing how God uses this new role in my life.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Sweet Summertime
Once again I find myself lacking in the blog writing department. But I figured why start a trend of blogging regularly now? I like to keep my 8 faithful followers guessing. Anyways, my summer vacation is about to come to a g close and figure what better way to end it than with a grand recap here on the blog.
This summer I stayed at home in the wonderful Wheaton. It was great to be home with my family again but almost every inch of my body was aching to be back at camp again. Luckily I did get a week of camp in, but that's for later on. This past summer I had the wonderful privilege to work at Glen Ellyn Bible Church, my home church, as the Children's Ministries Summer Intern. I had an incredible summer learning and applying the many lessons I have been taught at school into a real life ministry experience.
My second week on the job I was one of the Bible teachers at Backyard Bible Club. This is the second time that I have had this opportunity. It was a really great experience to see the power of the Holy Spirit in action. There were 15 kids that came to a relationship with Christ for the first time! Praise the Lord!
After an awesome week of Backyard Bible Club I got to spend an awesome week at camp! I was so excited to spend the week at Village Creek Bible Camp as a volunteer during senior high camp. I enjoyed being back at this wonderful place. It was great getting to catch up with Katie and Lindsay. I missed them SOOOO much. We kept up our tradition of laying on Katie's blanket on the lodge lawn for our devos. Fulltime staff also placed the 3 of us in the craft together. Not sure how much work actually got done but we had loads of fun! :D It was also great getting to know the new staff members and I had a pretty stellar group of campers as well. It was really hard saying goodbye but the fact that I might end up at camp again in the future always makes it a little easier.
Once I was back home I started up my internship again. Two of my prime responsibilities were writing up and teaching the preschoolers lessons for Sunday and creating my own curriculum for a Wednesday night program for 3rd-5th graders. I had lots of fun doing both of these jobs. One of my highlights from Wednesday nights was looking in on all of the small groups and seeing the kids reading the Bible passages and asking questions and answering questions together. I loved seeing the friendships that were grown through the fun atmosphere on Wednesdays. I also enjoyed my Sunday mornings with the preschoolers. They are a fun group to interact with. They are willing to talk about anything and everything!
My summer was also very family filled! Which was wonderful! Before my internship started my Asian cousins, Nena and Malee, came to our place for a week. We had all sorts of fun with them. They are always wonderful to have over. It's amazing to see how fast they have grown in the last 2 years since we had seen them last.
Then in July my cousin had his wedding. Which meant that my dad's WHOLE side of the family came to Chicago. It was so great getting to spend some time together. All of the cousins and cousins kids stayed at our house. It was great to have them all over and to share Garret's popcorn over great discussions around the kitchen table. I have truly been blessed by my wonderfully large family. Also during the time of the wedding Joel and Sarah moved into their new crib in Bartlett and Nanny moved to her new place in Windsor Park.
Finally, I finished off my summer with a week at my parent's condo in New Smyrna Beach, Florida where I relaxed on the beach, caught up with a Peruvian friend at Disney's Magic
Kingdom, caught up with the Skowron family, and then relaxed on the beach some more.

All in all, I'd say that this summer has been perfect. I wouldn't trade this summer for anything else. I'm incredibly thankful for all of the wonderful opportunities that this summer brought and thank God for each and everyone of the many blessings that this summer had in store for me.
This summer I stayed at home in the wonderful Wheaton. It was great to be home with my family again but almost every inch of my body was aching to be back at camp again. Luckily I did get a week of camp in, but that's for later on. This past summer I had the wonderful privilege to work at Glen Ellyn Bible Church, my home church, as the Children's Ministries Summer Intern. I had an incredible summer learning and applying the many lessons I have been taught at school into a real life ministry experience.
My second week on the job I was one of the Bible teachers at Backyard Bible Club. This is the second time that I have had this opportunity. It was a really great experience to see the power of the Holy Spirit in action. There were 15 kids that came to a relationship with Christ for the first time! Praise the Lord!
After an awesome week of Backyard Bible Club I got to spend an awesome week at camp! I was so excited to spend the week at Village Creek Bible Camp as a volunteer during senior high camp. I enjoyed being back at this wonderful place. It was great getting to catch up with Katie and Lindsay. I missed them SOOOO much. We kept up our tradition of laying on Katie's blanket on the lodge lawn for our devos. Fulltime staff also placed the 3 of us in the craft together. Not sure how much work actually got done but we had loads of fun! :D It was also great getting to know the new staff members and I had a pretty stellar group of campers as well. It was really hard saying goodbye but the fact that I might end up at camp again in the future always makes it a little easier.
Once I was back home I started up my internship again. Two of my prime responsibilities were writing up and teaching the preschoolers lessons for Sunday and creating my own curriculum for a Wednesday night program for 3rd-5th graders. I had lots of fun doing both of these jobs. One of my highlights from Wednesday nights was looking in on all of the small groups and seeing the kids reading the Bible passages and asking questions and answering questions together. I loved seeing the friendships that were grown through the fun atmosphere on Wednesdays. I also enjoyed my Sunday mornings with the preschoolers. They are a fun group to interact with. They are willing to talk about anything and everything!
My summer was also very family filled! Which was wonderful! Before my internship started my Asian cousins, Nena and Malee, came to our place for a week. We had all sorts of fun with them. They are always wonderful to have over. It's amazing to see how fast they have grown in the last 2 years since we had seen them last.
Then in July my cousin had his wedding. Which meant that my dad's WHOLE side of the family came to Chicago. It was so great getting to spend some time together. All of the cousins and cousins kids stayed at our house. It was great to have them all over and to share Garret's popcorn over great discussions around the kitchen table. I have truly been blessed by my wonderfully large family. Also during the time of the wedding Joel and Sarah moved into their new crib in Bartlett and Nanny moved to her new place in Windsor Park.
Finally, I finished off my summer with a week at my parent's condo in New Smyrna Beach, Florida where I relaxed on the beach, caught up with a Peruvian friend at Disney's Magic
Kingdom, caught up with the Skowron family, and then relaxed on the beach some more.

All in all, I'd say that this summer has been perfect. I wouldn't trade this summer for anything else. I'm incredibly thankful for all of the wonderful opportunities that this summer brought and thank God for each and everyone of the many blessings that this summer had in store for me.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Third Times the Charm
As I sit here on my falling apart futon on the last Friday night of my Junior year I began thinking about the past year spent in the quad man (my room). I've been blessed by three wonderful roommates this year. Jenn (who's been with me since I was a freshie), Olivia (my car ride home companion), and Carolyn (the rap loving southern bell). While sitting here the four us are all in the room doing our own thing. Olivia and I are sitting in our usual spots on the futon. Jenn is at her desk, doing the usual skype chat probably, and Carolyn is perched up in her bed where half the time you don't notice she's up there because her huge duvet encapsulates her as well as the whole bed. Things seem to be normal. Yet I can't help but think that it's not normal.
Next year all four of us will be living in different separate places. Carolyn and I will be on the wing again next year. I'll be in a different room. Jenn and Olivia will both be living in the Campbell apartments in different floors and rooms. I've grown to love the simple yet complex lifestyle that has been formed in the quad man this year. I remember a year ago the four of us sitting up to a coffee table eating FroYo with a to scale diagram of the room trying to figure out the best living arrangement for our furniture. After 2 hours we finally found the setup that we have been living with for the past 9 months. I think of all the late night futon to desk to pillow talks that were had in the room. The laughter and crying that occurred in our room. To be a fly on the wall of the quad man would be a very interesting thing to watch sometimes. All four of us have very different callings and passions in our lives. Yet we have become the best of friends through the past year of living with one another. I'm so thankful for the small family that I have lived with this year. It was so nice to go home to my family in Wheaton but it was so comforting to know that when I returned I would come back to roommates that I can call sisters.
I titled this entry "Third Times the Charm" because it seems to be the phrase that people through around when they have messed up and say that by the third time you should be able to do said thing better than the previous two tries. So, Junior year. The third year of college. I went into this year with one goal in mind. That goal was to grow genuine friendships with those in my major, Christian Educational Ministries. Looking back on the past year I can say that I definitely feel that I achieved this goal. We have been a tight knit family. I have especially noticed this during the past semester. When one of us is going through a trial in our lives we share it with one another. A moment later we are all bowing our heads in prayer to lift the situation up to the Lord. I can picture multiple scenarios where my CE family has been able to pick up the slack for me in ways that they don't even realize. As different as we all are from each other we have learned to love one another and to grow with one another in Christ. So now that I've gotten this sappy stuff out of the way I'm going to head to my usual top 10 list. So here goes nothing the Top 10 of my Junior Year. I'm even going to add pictures. Yea you read that right! PICTURES! Also, these pictures are invaluable to the number they are given! I wish I could put them all at number 1 but that defeats the point of a top 10 list I guess.
10. My first roommate outing of Junior year to the Matthew's Covered Bridge Festival.
9. Taking Jenn out for a surprise dinner at Thai Smile!
8. Gwen came to visit Taylor!
7. Silent Night with the roommates in matching nightgowns!
6. Autumn, Lindsay, Katie and I all got to eat cupcakes from Scratch!
5. These goofballs ventured out of Iowa to the Windy City for New Years with me!
4. Got to continue family traditions by decorating Easter eggs with Christina!
3. I got to spend 3 wonderful weeks in this wonderful country with wonderful people!
2. This beautiful young girl stole my heart at Hogar Casz Luz.
1. I my bro got married! I'm a sister-in-law now. There's also a little niece/nephew coming in October! I will be an aunt!!!
Next year all four of us will be living in different separate places. Carolyn and I will be on the wing again next year. I'll be in a different room. Jenn and Olivia will both be living in the Campbell apartments in different floors and rooms. I've grown to love the simple yet complex lifestyle that has been formed in the quad man this year. I remember a year ago the four of us sitting up to a coffee table eating FroYo with a to scale diagram of the room trying to figure out the best living arrangement for our furniture. After 2 hours we finally found the setup that we have been living with for the past 9 months. I think of all the late night futon to desk to pillow talks that were had in the room. The laughter and crying that occurred in our room. To be a fly on the wall of the quad man would be a very interesting thing to watch sometimes. All four of us have very different callings and passions in our lives. Yet we have become the best of friends through the past year of living with one another. I'm so thankful for the small family that I have lived with this year. It was so nice to go home to my family in Wheaton but it was so comforting to know that when I returned I would come back to roommates that I can call sisters.
I titled this entry "Third Times the Charm" because it seems to be the phrase that people through around when they have messed up and say that by the third time you should be able to do said thing better than the previous two tries. So, Junior year. The third year of college. I went into this year with one goal in mind. That goal was to grow genuine friendships with those in my major, Christian Educational Ministries. Looking back on the past year I can say that I definitely feel that I achieved this goal. We have been a tight knit family. I have especially noticed this during the past semester. When one of us is going through a trial in our lives we share it with one another. A moment later we are all bowing our heads in prayer to lift the situation up to the Lord. I can picture multiple scenarios where my CE family has been able to pick up the slack for me in ways that they don't even realize. As different as we all are from each other we have learned to love one another and to grow with one another in Christ. So now that I've gotten this sappy stuff out of the way I'm going to head to my usual top 10 list. So here goes nothing the Top 10 of my Junior Year. I'm even going to add pictures. Yea you read that right! PICTURES! Also, these pictures are invaluable to the number they are given! I wish I could put them all at number 1 but that defeats the point of a top 10 list I guess.
10. My first roommate outing of Junior year to the Matthew's Covered Bridge Festival.
9. Taking Jenn out for a surprise dinner at Thai Smile!
8. Gwen came to visit Taylor!
7. Silent Night with the roommates in matching nightgowns!
6. Autumn, Lindsay, Katie and I all got to eat cupcakes from Scratch!
5. These goofballs ventured out of Iowa to the Windy City for New Years with me!
4. Got to continue family traditions by decorating Easter eggs with Christina!
3. I got to spend 3 wonderful weeks in this wonderful country with wonderful people!
2. This beautiful young girl stole my heart at Hogar Casz Luz.
1. I my bro got married! I'm a sister-in-law now. There's also a little niece/nephew coming in October! I will be an aunt!!!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Spring is in the air...
Once again I have let myself go far too long without a blog post. Which means that again I will be sharing highlights of the past few months since the start of the new year.
Katie, Lindsay, and I brought in the new year together like big girls! We spent a good day down in Chicago doing all sorts of fun things. We went skating at Millennium Park, visited the Art Institute and ate some yummy Noodles and Company.
Katie, Lindsay, and I brought in the new year together like big girls! We spent a good day down in Chicago doing all sorts of fun things. We went skating at Millennium Park, visited the Art Institute and ate some yummy Noodles and Company.
I went to PERU!! I got to spend 3 weeks of January with 15 members of the Taylor community in Ayacucho, Peru.
The primary focus of my
mission trip to Peru was to work with and love the kids of Hogar Casa Luz. A typical day would go like something like this: Each
morning we would walk down the block to the orphanage where we were greeted by
smiling faces and the Peruvian greeting of a hug and kiss in the air along the
right cheek. Although slightly uncomfortable with this greeting at first it has
become something to treasure now that I no longer encounter it everyday. After
this greeting we w ould gather everyone for some children’s songs. Such as, “Yo
tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo en mi corazon!” and “Mi Dios es tan grande”.
Afterwards, we split the kids up by age for various activities. The teenagers
would head off for discussions on purity while the younger kids would
participate in VBS. After a few hours we would head back to the apartment for
lunch and a small siesta before heading back to play with the kids in the
personally connected with the younger kids, mostly because I helped with the
crafts portion of VBS. These kids loved their crafts. There were times where I
would leave the room and come back and thought the room had emptied out because
of the silence and high level of concentration of the kids. They could easily
spend all day crafting. One of my favorite things about watching them work on
crafts was watching their creativity run free. We would give them the
parameters of the craft but most of the time, if not all, they would reach
beyond the parameters and make something that we would have never thought to
make with the supplies given.
Below is a picture of my new friend
Mayli. She is very sassy, has quite the sense of humor, has a beautiful smile,
and has a great laugh. I had the wonderful privilege to nourish a friendship
with her and her younger brother Jose. One day Mayli came up to me and grabbed
me by the pointer finger and pulled me to the front steps of the orphanage
where I found myself looking at a woman in a red baseball cap with no teeth.
Mayli exclaims with a huge smile on her face, “Es mi Mama.” In the little
Spanish I knew I told the woman that I loved her kids and that I would pray
that she would someday be able to live with her two precious children again. I
left the situation angry with the mother for putting her innocent children into
an orphanage. Seconds later I was filled with joy as I looked through the
window and saw Mayli caught in the embrace of her mother, both with smiles that
covered their faces. This little girl touched my heart and it was very
difficult to say goodbye to her when she did not understand that I was not
returning the next day.
Well not a whole lot happened during the month of February. I got back into the school routine of going to classes, writing papers, doing homework, attending meetings, and BASSYCS. Although there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about my time in Peru.
During the past month I filled out three applications, wrote three covers letters, and printed out three resumes. I had two phone interviews and one face to face interview. I feel like I became an adult. Doing all this grown up stuff.
I know the month isn't over yet but I feel like I have been on a roller coaster this month. God has really made it clear to me that I am to fully rely on Him and the plan that He has made for me. I had heard from my top choice of internships that I did not get the position. I was devastated because at that point in time I knew that the other two I had applied for wouldn't work. Then this past Sunday, the March 10th, I had a meeting at Glen Ellyn Bible Church. To my amazement and because of the grace of God I can now say that I have an internship where I can live at home and be with my family for one last summer before I graduate. GOD IS SO GOOD! Because of this internship I will be able to go and volunteer at Village Creek this summer!
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