So, it has been quite a while since I have last written a blog but it thought that it would be quite fitting to write one now after a recent trip back to VCBC for the 4 State Fall Retreat. This past weekend during my fall break I had the opportunity to work at the fall retreat. I knew it would be a short trip for the long car ride there but something told me that it was more than worth the late nights and long car rides. I had a wonderful time. To my surprise I ended being a cabin leader. I wasn't really expecting this because I would only be there for one night. Later I found out that reason. I was to be the cabin leader for 2 high school girls one of which has high functioning Autism Asperger's. I was kind of shocked but the Lord comforted and settled me down. After this weekend of seeing camp friends and meeting this girl with Asperger's I've learned something new about myself. I guess I always knew this but I never really thought that it was true. I've learned that there is a large part of me that has a passion for kids with Special Needs. For the past 4 years I have slowing been put in situations where I have come to know and love several kids with all sorts of specials needs. Such as, Down, and Asperger's. It wasn't until this past weekend that I realized that I might have some type of calling into a special needs ministry. I'm not sure what that looks like yet but it is all in God's hands to take care of.
Prayer Requests:
For God to reveal to me the right path of ministry to pursue i.e. Special Needs, Camping, Children's...
To stay motivated with my school work and to try my hardest in all of my classes in other words to be a well rounded liberal arts student...